Community Accounts
One convenient account package for Non-Profit Organizations and Registered Charities.
Community Account
- $4.00 monthly fee
- Minimum monthly balance of $5,000 to waive the monthly fee
- 25 transactions included in monthly fee
- In-branch/staff-assisted bill payments included in total monthly transaction count
- Interac® e-Transfers included in total monthly transaction count
- Free deposits (not included or counted as a transaction)
- Over transaction limit - $1.25/transaction
- Free eStatements or $3.00/month paper statement
These transactions are not included with your account package:
- $3.00 ATM Withdrawal Interac (Non-CU ATMs)
- $5.00 ATM Withdrawal CIRRUS® (US & International)
Savings Account
- Interest-bearing – tiered interest rate, calculated daily & paid monthly
- No monthly fee that includes 2 free debit transactions per month
- 2 free debit transactions include Interac® e-Transfers and in-branch/staff-assisted bill payments
- 2 free debit transactions include Interac® e-Transfers and in-branch/staff-assisted bill payments
- Over limit - $5.00 per item
These transactions are not included with your account package:
- $3.00 ATM Withdrawal Interac (Non-CU ATMs)
- $5.00 ATM Withdrawal CIRRUS® (US & International)
Click here to view a complete listing of our additional services and fees
®Interac e-Transfer is a registered trade-mark of Interac Corp. Used under licence.
®Interac is a registered trade-mark of Interac Corp. Used under licence.
Does your community group/organization need to change signing authorities?
Use our Unincorporated Organization: Credit Union Account - Minutes Template
so that you capture the information required to update signing authorities.
so that you capture the information required to update signing authorities.
What matters to you, matters here.
We are dedicated to giving back and supporting the community and causes that matter to you.
Mobile App
Our mobile app is available on iPhone and Android™ devices. With tons of convenient features, it's a fast and secure way to bank.
Contact Centre
Enjoy the convenience of telephone banking with our friendly and knowledgeable staff, always ready to help on the other end of the line.
Money Basics
Who says financial education has to be boring? We don’t! You’re never too young to learn the principles of money management.
Ways to Save
No matter how much you have to invest, you can benefit from having a combination of different investment goals.